This resource was developed prior to the curriculum redesign in 2015. While it does not align with current learning standards, it may have value as a content source. Teachers may need to make adjustments to ensure accurate alignment with current curriculum:

Entrepreneurship 12, version 03 (Print)

The Entrepreneurship 12 course is designed to take students through the stages required to develop and begin to operate a business. It covers the personal characteristics that make an entrepreneur, the elements of a viable business, and helps the students assess strengths and weaknesses in order to make good choices about their enterprises. Modules 1 and 2 cover the necessary steps in writing a Business Plan. Modules 3 and 4 help students organize for operating a business and provide the opportunity to begin running a business of their own.

This course consists of four modules, with a consumable workbook for each module and no tests. There is a video segment for each section of the course.

PLEASE NOTE: The following textbook is referred to in this course. Stock may be low or depleted already. Students need to purchase their own from local libraries, publishers, or online book stores:

Canadian Small Business—An Entrepreneur's Plan, Fourth Canadian Edition (ISBN-10: 0-17-622462-9 or ISBN-13: 978-0-17-622462-2)

Please note that instructional guide (answer keys for section assignments) is available for this course. This item can be ordered by Account Customers through this website by using your Customer Number. If you are not aware of your Customer Number, please call Customer Service at 1.888.883.4766.

** indicates a Print-on-Demand product. These items are non-returnable.

Product Code Quantity Price
Module 1, Entrepreneurship 12, version 03 (JENT12A3) ** 7540002147 $23.44EA
Section 1:The Making of An Entrepreneur; You, the Entrepreneur; The Enterprise
Section 2:Trends--Industry and Business; Goals and Timelines
Section 3:What is a Business Plan?; Components of a Business Plan
** This is a Print-on-Demand product; it is non-returnable.

Module 1 Workbook, Entrepreneurship 12, version 03 (JENT12E3) ** 7540002155 $16.39EA
This is a separate booklet which contains the directions for all the section assignments and projects for Module 1.
**This is a Print-on-Demand product, it is non-returnable.
Module 2, Entrepreneurship 12, version 03 (JENT12B3) ** 7540002149 $23.44EA
Section 1:Marketing--Product, Packing, Place; Customer Profile; Target Marketing; Pricing; Promotion
Section 2:Business Operations; Product or Service; Location; Company Profile
Section 3:Legal Requirements; Forms of Business; Legal Risks
Section 4:Financial Issues; Financial Statements; Financing; Defining Your Financial Strategy
Section 5:Business Risks; Mission Statement; Business Plan Review
** This is a Print-on-Demand product; it is non-returnable.
Module 2 Workbook, Entrepreneurship 12, version 03 (JENT12F3) ** 7540002157 $16.39EA
This is a separate booklet which contains the directions for all the section assignments and projects for Module 2. ** This is a Print-on-Demand product; it is non-returnable.
Module 3, Entrepreneurship 12, version 03 (JENT12C3) ** 7540002151 $23.44EA
Section 1:Registration--Legal; Registration--Financial; Marketing--Promotional Material; Marketing--Sales Scripts; Marketing--Networking; Suppliers
Section 2:Business Stationery; Office Set-up: Office Supplies; Office Set-up: Office Equipment; Office Set-up: Accounting Procedures; Office Set-up: Filing System
Section 3:Security; Insurance
** This is a Print-on-Demand product; it is non-returnable.
Module 3 Workbook, Entrepreneurship 12, version 03 (JENT12G3) ** 7540002159 $16.39EA
This is a separate booklet which contains the directions for all the section assignments and projects for Module 3. ** This is a Print-on-Demand product; it is non-returnable.
Module 4, Entrepreneurship 12, version 03 (JENT12D3) ** 7540002153 $23.44EA
Section 1:Record Keeping--Time; Record Keeping--Money; Record Keeping--Inventory; Administration--Correspondence; Administration--Meetings; Administration--Telephone
Section 2:Sales Cycle; Daily Sales Plan; Follow-up
Section 3:Assessing the Business; Business Growth--Expanding; Business Growth--Long-Term Planning; Image
** This is a Print-on-Demand product; it is non-returnable.

Module 4 Workbook, Entrepreneurship 12, version 03 (JENT12H3) ** 7540002161 $16.39EA
This is a separate booklet which contains the directions for all the section assignments and projects for Module 4. ** This is a Print-on-Demand product; it is non-returnable.